ThetaHealing® - Relationships

You and the Creator

In this relationship seminar, You and the Creator, we show and teach students how to understand the undercurrent of their own subconscious mind. How their body really works to solve problems and how they really know the difference between communicating with Creator energy and communicating with their ego or higher self.

Remember that the Creator is an energy of perfect and pure love. It is a knowing love. And that will change your life. This energy, this life force, is in every atom and atoms are a part of you and a part of everything around you. We will learn the difference in discernment and you will learn how to work and reorient your subconscious to work for you. This is an important seminar because every time I give a seminar, someone always says how can I know if the answer is from the Creator?

This seminar is a prerequisite for moving on to the next Thetahealing® seminars.

Duration: 2 consecutive days

Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper

Your and your Significant Other

Our soulmates know us so well on a spiritual level that you really need to learn to love yourself to make them work. That’s what this seminar is about. This seminar is designed to take you to the next step in your relationship.

This seminar is not just for couples, but for anyone who wants to develop a relationship, an intimate relationship, a partnership to reach their greatest potential. Growing your relationships will help you build a strong partnership, build a solid foundation, keep your relationship fresh and new, and is designed to help your relationship work for you.

Learn how to truly love another person and how to let them love you back, while removing blocks and obstacles that were passed down to us from our ancestors. When we truly love ourselves, we reach the next level of enlightenment. Would you like to know how to live your life without fearing love? Without guilt in your relationships? Being loved by your partner?

Duration: 2 consecutive days

Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper and You and the Creator.

You and your Inner Circle

We are constantly growing and evolving, and during the growth process it is very important to have a support system and healthy relationships with the people around us. It’s only with the right support team that we can move forward in life with confidence. This course will truly change your life and prepare you to move forward, giving you clarity and insight into who should be part of your inner circle and how to work on yourself to start attracting the right people with the same mindset to become part of your Inner Circle.

This seminar is designed to help you move forward successfully in all aspects of your life, putting the right people around you, knowing who should be part of your inner circle.

In this seminar, we will teach you how to recognize your inner circle and how to discern what level of development the people around you are at. We will show you the different stages of the mind: The child stage, the adult stage and the sage stage. .

As healers, if you are surrounded by people who need constant encouragement, you will be exhausted very soon. Therefore, some people in your inner circle must be people who give back to you.

You will take a test to see what mental development you are on. Then you’ll learn what you need to do to get where you’d like to be.

We are teaching you to work with each stage. That way you’ll understand your customers and students and where they are, and you can help them move forward.

This seminar will be a prerequisite for DNA 4.

Duration: 2 consecutive days

Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper and You and the Creator.

You and the Earth

You and the Earth 

Earth is always trying to communicate with us, but are we really listening?

This seminar will allow you to bring about more positive changes in your life by learning to work with the Earth. How to get to know the Earth better and learn to communicate with her and understand how she communicates with you too.

It helps you work with the earth to bring about changes that really need to be changed now.

This seminar is a prerequisite for DNA 4.

Duration: 2 consecutive days

Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper and You and the Creator.