Marya and ThetaHealing®

Marya Dall Agnol

Transforming Lives Through The Creator Source

Marya DallAgnoll found an alternative to fighting depression in Thetahealing®, after a 10-year battle with the condition.

In 2018, through her process of self-knowledge and spiritual development, she managed to get rid of her medicaments and depression.

In 2019 she started her work as instructor after attending internationally certified courses in Switzerland, Mexico and the USA.

Nowadays, Marya is “Master and Science” in Thetahealing®, which is the highest degree. Since then, she thaught over 70 courses and transformed many lives.

Marya Energy

What is ThetaHealing®?

Thetahealing® is an energetic and meditational therapy created in 1995 by the American Vianna Stibal. This method identifies limiting beliefs inside many aspects of our lives such as: love, professional, financial, mental, physical or psychological issues that may block our evolution in these matters.


The name Thetahealing® is an amalgam of two words: Theta, which represent the scientific concept of Theta brain waves. These are low frequency waves associated to hypnotic states, emotions, dreams, REM sleep and our subconscious. Healing means the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.

After identifying the origins of the limiting beliefs inside our subconscious, it is possible to begin a self-healing process, in which we learn to work theses beliefs that hold us down and to get rid of them, cleaning our subconscious of harming thoughts.


Thetahealing® helps people to deal with past traumas, abuses, divorces, heartbreaks, depression, anxiety, professional problems and even physical diseases.

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